Arduino Course
Responsible | Marco Van Der Merwe |
Last Update | 15/03/2024 |
Completion Time | 16 hours 25 minutes |
Members | 106 |
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Introduction1Lessons ·
The Basics41Lessons · 13 hr 15 min
Installing the Software and hooking up the Arduino
Getting Started With Arduino IDE
Writing your first sketch
Programming Basics
Electronics and Components
ATmega328 Datasheet
Electronic Components
LED's and Current Limit Resistors
Blinking LED with Resistors
Intermediate programming
Programming Control Structures
Running LED's
Pots and Analog Pins
Potentiometers and analog pins
PWM(Pulse Width Modulation)
Servo's and Libraries
Servo's and Libraries
Servo Control and map function
Servo Control using map()
Leds, Shift Registers and Bytes
LED's , Shift Registers and Bytes
Datasheet - SN74HC595
Buzzers and Sound
Push Buttons and Pull Up Resistors
Push Buttons
Photo Resistors (LDR)
LDR (Photo Resistor)
LDR light meter and day/night Switch
Datasheet - RGB
RGB LED Control, Push buttons and Pots
LED's , POT's and Push Buttons
IR Remote
Infra Red Remote Control
The Ultimate Kit14Lessons · 3 hr 10 min
8-Segment LED Counter
8 Segment LED Display
Joysticks and Reading Code
Joystick and Reading Code
LCD Display
LCD Display
LCD Display and Serial Monitor
LCD Display and Serial Monitor
Stepper Motors
Stepper Motors
Ultrasonic Sensors
Advanced Project Quiz
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