MOSFETs are used in logic applications that has to function under high current conditions. Because transistors use a current factor to estimate the current that can be produced on the emitter pin, but this can cause the logic side of your circuit to shut down when the transistor require too much current for the logic to handle. This is however not the case with a MOSFET. MOSFETs require very little current on the gate pin since they switch on with a specific voltage. This makes MOSFETs ideal to be used with logic level circuits that can only provide a logic high level with very little current. This specific MOSFET is a N-channel MOSFET which means that it is best to use these MOSFETs as low side switches which means that they should be used to switch the ground on the circuit on and off.
Technical specifications:
Max drain source voltage | 55V |
Max drain gate voltage | 55V |
Gate source voltage | 20V |
Max drain current | 64V |
Max pulsed drain current | 210A |
Max operating temperature | 175°C |
Pin layout:
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