Read and write data from an SD card using your Arduino.
Gnd - Gnd on Arduino board
3.3V - not used
5V - 5V on Arduino board (in code below the 5V can be connected to digital pin 8 to draw power from there)
CS - Digital pin 10
MOSI - Digital pin 11
SCK - Digital pin 13
MISO - Digital pin 12
Gnd - not used
#include <SD.h> //Set by default for the SD Card Library //MOSI = Pin 11 //MISO = Pin 12 //SCLK = PIN 13 //We always need to set the CS Pin int CS_pin = 10; int pow_pin = 8; float refresh_rate = 0.0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Initializing Card"); //CS Pin is an output pinMode(CS_pin, OUTPUT); //Card will Draw Power from Pin 8, so set it high pinMode(pow_pin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pow_pin, HIGH); if (!SD.begin(CS_pin)) { Serial.println("Card Failure"); return; } Serial.println("Card Ready"); //Read the Configuration information (COMMANDS.txt) File commandFile ="COMMANDS.txt"); if (commandFile) { Serial.println("Reading Command File"); float decade = pow(10, (commandFile.available() - 1)); while(commandFile.available()) { float temp = ( - '0'); refresh_rate = temp*decade+refresh_rate; decade = decade/10; } Serial.print("Refresh Rate = "); Serial.print(refresh_rate); Serial.println("ms"); } else { Serial.println("Could not read command file."); return; } } void loop() { String dataString = "Hello"; //Open a file to write to //Only one file can be open at a time File logFile ="LOG.txt", FILE_WRITE); if (logFile) { logFile.println(dataString); logFile.close(); Serial.println(dataString); } else { Serial.println("LOG.txt"); Serial.println("Couldn’t open log file"); } delay(refresh_rate); }